Saturday, February 21, 2009

While we were out in California this year, an event happened that was very rare. All of my siblings were together for a day, just the four of us, and it was the first time that has happened since, well...forever. With Jill in Illinois, me in Denver, Keven in Burbank and Cindy in Santa Barbara, it was amazing that we pulled it off. We took a beautiful hike up into the Santa Barbara mountains. It was an amazingly beautiful clear day and we walked and talked. It was so wonderful to catch up and just spend time being together.
I count it one of my greatest blessings to have 2 wonderful sisters and a handsome funny brother that add so much to my life. We laugh our heads off when we get together and talk about stuff that is important and generally spend time in the "love bubble" (a favorite Kevinism).

We also got to spend a little time with our dad and Rhonda too. Hard to believe that life is passing by so quickly. We still think of ourselves as Darol's little girlsies even though I'm screaming toward being 60!!! Ugh

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