Saturday, April 11, 2009

Rocket Scientist

I just never figured I would be associated with AEROSPACE technology. Well...I kind of married into it. It is all so exciting. I never had any idea what kind of - A. money is spent in this industry, B. how smart everyone is ( exclusive rocket scientists, etc.) C. How much money and people's careers are at stake (in the event something goes wrong and it is all blown up) and D. The huge amount of Analytical processes it takes (overwhelming attention to detail).

I just got back from spending a month at Cape Canaveral with my amazingly talented honey bunny(see picture). (Who would hate to read this because he would blush all over and protest and make me take it off, OK who has told me to delete). What an amazing thing it is to get to be a part of this great adventure if only it means watching a launch from the beach in the middle of the night. YEAH!

This last launch was the one that took us to Florida, to Cape Canaveral. The payload was a GPS satellite for the U.S. Airforce that the Delta II rocket lauched into a perfect orbit. I got up at 4:30 AM, ran down to the beach and watched as it took off. You could only see it for about 2 minutes before it went out of view, but what an exciting two minutes! Here's the link to u tube to watch the whole thing. You can hear Howard's voice as he is polled and says, "Ready" when the launch guy asks for the VSE or Vehicle Systems Engineer's OK.

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